When Duke Caroenter joined the Band, getting recordings with the 3 of us was our priority.
So we immediately started working on new Originals and Remakes. Duke brought such a sensibility to the process suggesting some great Songs and contributed the Music 3 of the new Originals. We ended up adding 44 Songs total including the 11 of 16 Originals that ended up on the new Album.
We decided to Record them all!!
That was an ambitious endeavor to say the least but worth the effort. Love Letters And Hate Mail is a great representation of who Black Valentine is now and evolving into.
The Songwriting has always come first, and this album is no exception. The 11 Songs about Love, Hate, and everything in between are so instantly relatable and catchy while maintaining and defining our Sound. The Production is our best to date and the Album was Mastered by Joseph Bozzi at Bernie Grundman Studios.
We are in the process of creating and releasing Music Videos for the Album and will begin playing locally at first to support the Record while working towards possible Regional and East Coast Tours.
Links to Stream, Purchase, and listen to the Love Letters And Hate Mail Album as well as Music Videos, Social Media, and everything Black Valentine are available on our HereNow Hub here:
Let us know what you think about the Album and please share with everyone!!