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The Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 11/03/16
The Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 11/03/16
"The Zoo" at Paladino's
Tarzana, Ca 08/20/16
"Be My Evil" at Paladino's
Tarzana, Ca 08/20/16
"Send Me an Angel" at Paladino's
Tarzana, Ca 08/20/16
"My Heart" (excerpt) at Paladino's
Tarzana, Ca 08/20/16
"Slingshot Rebels" (excerpt) at Paladino's
Tarzana, Ca 08/20/16
"Be My Evil" at The Whisky a Go Go
Hollywood, Ca 05/27/16
"Metal Mayhem Interview" at Crazy Girls
Hollywood, Ca 04/04/16
"The Devil's Son" at the Old Town Pub
Pasadena, Ca 02/20/16
"Fallen Angel" at the Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 08/14/15
"Salvation Game" at the Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 08/14/15
"Enemy/ Rain" at the Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 08/14/15
"Invisible" at the Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 08/14/15
"Keeping the Dream Alive" at the Canyon Club
Agoura, Ca 08/14/15
"Unsung" (Helmet Remake) at the Cheyenne Saloon
Las Vegas, Nv 09/20/14
"Happy (When you're Gone)/ Unsung" at
Neck of the Woods
San Francisco, Ca 05/15/15
"Get What You Give" at Paladino's
Tarzana, Ca 06/22/14
Other Videos
"World Gone Wrong" Listening Party
Van Nuys, Ca 05/24/14
Hollywood Rock Underground Interview
with Lisa Sunshine
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